Kravitz Criminal Defense Law

Portrait of Amara Kravitz PA Criminal Defense Attorney


Amara Kravitz focuses her practice on federal civil rights litigation arising out of the criminal justice system. Her professional experience includes work in both civil rights and criminal defense. In criminal defense, Amara has held public defender positions in Montgomery County, PA; Chester County, PA; and Charleston, WV, and has handled federal criminal matters in both PA & WV. Since 2002, she has represented both juveniles and adults, at every level of proceeding, including both jury trials and appeals. On the civil rights side, Amara has served as legal director for two different civil rights practices for nonprofit legal services organizations:  the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Mazzoni Center, a Philadelphia-based LGBT  services organization. Amara is a graduate of Washington & Lee Univ. School of Law and the Univ. of Virginia. She also clerked for the Honorable Lawrence L. Koontz of the Supreme Court of VA (Summer 1999).

Portrait of John Kravitz Criminal Defense in PA


John Kravitz has been a criminal defense attorney who has been in the court-room almost everyday for thirty years. He previously served as the appointed head of the DUI team in the Montgomery County Public Defender’s Office. Many first time offenders do not understand the seriousness of a DUI charge and its impact on all areas of their life. John aims to use his experience to help those clients avoid serious penalties. Over the span of his career, he has successfully litigated cases in all areas of criminal defense work including: DUIs, Attempted Murders, Homicides, and metal health cases. In all of his work, John finds representation of the mentally-hill especially satisfying. He believes that the social misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the mentally ill leads to an unnecessarily high amount of people trapped in the criminal justice system. He remains steadfast in his mission to guide confused and troubled mentally-ill clients through the confusing maze that is the legal system.