Kravitz Criminal Defense Law


Amara Kravitz focuses her practice on federal civil rights litigation against correctional institutions, law enforcement officers, and law enforcement agencies. Her clients are individuals who have had their constitutional rights violated at some stage of the criminal justice process. Many of Amara’s cases involve claims of Excessive Force by law enforcement or correctional officers.


Callahan v. Montgomery County, et al. (E.D.Pa. Civil No. 17-3350): Excessive Force case against corrections officers (COs) at Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF) and Failure to Train, Supervise, and Discipline claim against the County. Resolved by confidential agreement.

Coleman v. Thomas, et al. (E.D.Pa. Civil No. 19-4801): “Over-incarceration” case — Client remained in DOC (PA Dept. of Corrections) and PBPP (PA Board of Probation & Parole) custody for 606 days after the expiration of his court-ordered sentence. Pending.

Lowry v. Abington Twp. (E.D.Pa. Civil No. 17-868): Excessive Force and Failure to Provide Adequate Medical Care claims against Abington Township and several of its police officers. Resolved by confidential agreement.

McCall v. City of Phila., et al. (E.D.Pa. Civil No. 19-2568): Failure to Provide Adequate Medical Care claim against CFCF CO to whom Client reported severe eye injury caused by assault by fellow inmate after CO failed to make any effort to obtain medical care and Client lost his eye as a result of this inaction. Pending.

Moats v. Montgomery County, et al. (E.D.Pa. Civil No. 19-879): Excessive Force claim against MCCF CO and Failure to Train, Supervise, and Discipline claim against Montgomery County based upon multiple inmate accounts that COs utilize a designated unheated room within the facility (nicknamed the “The Ice Box” by MCCF inmates) to punish inmates. Pending.

Peterson v. Korsniak (E.D.Pa. Civil No. 16-5289): Failure to Provide Adequate Medical Care claim against medical providers at SCI-Graterford. Resolved by confidential agreement.

Scott v. Carmona, et al. (E.D.Pa. Civil No. 18-71): Excessive Force claim against COs at the Curran Fromhold Correctional Facility (CFCF) in Philadelphia who physically assaulted a mentally ill inmate in full sight of multiple security cameras and approximately 30 other inmates. Also asserted Failure to Train claim against the City of Philadelphia on the basis of the City’s failure to train COs how to identify mentally ill inmates, how to de-escalate situations involving mentally ill inmates, and how inmates’ mental health impacts CO decision-making regarding Use of Force. Pending.

Sharipov v. FBI (E.D.Pa. Civil No. 13-1365): Successful Writ of Prohibition against FBI & Writ of Mandamus against USCIS.

Hudson v. Dept. of Defense (Top Secret – not publicly available): Previously-revoked national security clearance restored after day-long trial-type proceeding before Administrative Judge within the U.S. Dept. of Defense.


Com. v. Mack (Mont. Co. Criminal No. 2019-16): After 3-day jury trial, Client acquitted of Aggravated Assault of a police officer who had tased him in the chest, three times at point-blank range, during a traffic stop for a defective brake light.

In re: Grand Jury Proceedings (E.D.Pa. GJ No. 05112, under seal, & 3d Cir. 13-2375): Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorism case.

Com. v. Suarez (Mont. Co. Criminal Nos. 2669-15, 8950-14, 8958-14): After Client confessed to a series of thefts, law enforcement officials used factually unreliable cell-phone tower data to charge Client with dozens of additional thefts which occurred in an approximate geographic area where Client’s cell phone was located during an approximate time (even though these additional thefts were factually dissimilar to those to which he had confessed). This case was ultimately resolved by the parties pursuant to a plea agreement.